Game Rules

Weekly Game Rules

Here are the rules of the game. Please read these carefully before you commit to playing. Please also refer to our terms and conditions for further information.

How Profit League works – The basics

Profit League is a football predictions game. Players predict the results of pre-selected football matches.

Players earn points based on the accuracy of their predictions.

Points per fixture are awarded as follows:

Correct scoreline = 25 points
Correct result/winner selected = 10 points
Incorrect scoreline and incorrect result/winner selected = 0 points

For example;

A player predicts a scoreline of Arsenal 1 -0 Man City. Arsenal win the game 1 -0. The player is awarded 25 points.

If Arsenal won the game 2-0, the player is award 10 points

If the game is a draw or Man City win the game, the player is awarded 0 points.

The points awarded for each of the fixtures are added together to create a players ‘Total Score’. The top 10% of players in the league with the highest total score each week win a cash prize.

Prophet league is a pool-based game. Therefore, the size of the prizes awarded to the top 10% of players is determine by how many players have entered the game.

The prediction window opens at 10am every Tuesday and Predictions must be confirmed and entry fees paid by 11am on the Saturday, before the first fixture kicks-off. Players are unable to enter the game after this time.

Please note: should a fixture be postponed after the predictions window has opened, the fixture will be null and void and no points will be allocated for that fixture.

A little more detail about playing the game

Choosing the league(s) you want to play:

Players can choose to player the National Game – open to all registered and verified players – and/or a Friends League.

Some local leagues are private and in order to enter these leagues you will need to be in receipt of the league code. Where a local league is marked as ‘Public’ this means that the league creator welcomes any player.

A player can search for a local league by clicking on ‘Add League’ on the homepage or selecting ‘Leagues’ in the main menu of the Prophet League app.

Prophet League should be fun and so it has been designed to keep players safe and prevent players from over-spending each week. That’s why there is a maximum spend limit of 3 games per week. The entry fee for the National League is £2.00. Local League entry fee’s range from £2.00 to £5.00 based on the entry fee set by the league creator. The entry fee for each league is clearly shown prior to entering the game.

Therefore, a player can enter a maximum of 3 leagues/games each week. Once a player has reached the max. number of games in a week they will be unable to enter any further games in that week.

There is no obligation for a player to enter a league each week. They can choose to play 1,2 or 3 leagues or they can choose not to play at all.

A player can enter any given league only once in a single week.


If a league is raising funds for a good cause, the good cause will be clearly shown on the League homepage along with more information about the good cause and a ‘heart logo’. All donations are optional and there is no obligation for a player to donate should they choose not to do so. The player is shown the entry fee and the optional donation amount prior to committing to enter the game.

For example;

A player chooses to enter a League that is raising money for a local sports team. The creator of the League has set the entry fee at £2 and an optional donation of 50p. The play can choose whether to ‘Play & Donate’ for £2.50 (£2 + 50p) or to ‘Just Play’ for £2. The players chance of winning a share of the pooled prize pot is not affected by whether they donate or not.

Making Predictions

Within a league, players are presented with the designated football fixtures for the forth coming weekend. All players in the league are predicting the results of the same fixtures. All fixtures are scheduled to be played on either Saturday or Sunday of that week.

Players click to enter their predictions and then continue to enter their predicted scoreline for each fixture.

Players are asked to select their ‘Doublers’. The amount of ‘Doublers’ is determined by the number fixtures included in the game.

4-5 fixtures = 1 Doubler

6-7 fixtures = 2 Doublers

8 fixtures = 3 Doublers

The fixtures chosen by the player as a ‘Doubler’ any points scored on these games will be doubled…so choose wisely.

Saving predictions & entering the game

Once the player has finished entering their predictions and selecting their ‘Doublers’, players are invited to confirm their predictions and pay the entry fee. Players are shown a summary of their predictions along with the entry fee to enter the game and a link to view Prophet League’s terms and conditions. If the league is raising money for a good cause, players are also reminded of the good cause being supported by the League and the amount of the entry fee that will be donated.

Paying the entry fee

Once a player has chosen to proceed and enter the game, they will be asked to confirm the entry fee that will be debited from their account.

The entry fee is deducted from the players Prophet League wallet. If there are insufficient funds in the wallet the player will be asked to top up their wallet prior to their entry being confirmed. All deposits made into the Prophet League wallet are processed through a secure payments service. Players can only deposit funds into their Prophet League from a UK debit card.

Once the players entry fee has been successfully deducted from their Prophet League wallet the player will see a confirmation message on screen indicating that they have entered the game.

A player can return to edit their predictions up until 11am on Saturday morning of the game weekend.

In play

The game starts once the first fixture of the weekend kicks-off. Players can see how their predictions compare with the actual scorelines in real time, the points they are currently scoring for each fixture and their real-time projected winnings as at that moment. A players points and projected winnings will change in real-time as the scorelines change.

Players can also see a live leaderboard showing how they are performing against all other players in the league and their position.

Players can not edit their score after 11am on the Saturday morning and no ‘in-game’ bonuses or additional bets are offered.

When the final whistle blows on the last fixture(s) of the weekend (the fixture(s) with the latest kick-off time), the player can see their final points tally and any cash prize that they have won. They can also see the final points and prizes for the other players in the League.


If a player has won a cash prize, the cash prize will be added to their Prophet League wallet by midnight on the Sunday evening. A player can choose to withdraw either all or part of their Prophet League wallet balance at any time by visiting the Prophet League wallet screen. Funds will be deposited back into the players bank account within 24 hours of the player making the withdrawal request.

The prize pot is distributed as follows. The percentages shown are a percentage of the prize pot.

1st 20.00%
2nd 13.00%
3rd 8.45%
4th 5.49%
5th 3.57%
6th 2.32%
7th 1.50%
8th 0.98%
9th 0.63%
10th 0.41%
11th – 30th 0.1%
31st – top 10% £5

31st and onwards all win £5 until 10% of the players have been paid £5.

For example:

10,000 players have entered the game and paid their £2.00 entry fee. The prize pot would be £2 x 10,000 = £20,000.

The prize distribution would be as follows:

Position % of prize pot Prize
1st 20.00% £4,000.00
2nd 13.00% £2,600.00
3rd 8.45% £1,690.00
4th 5.49% £1,098.00
5th 3.57% £714.00
6th 2.32% £464.00
7th 1.50% £300.00
8th 0.98% £196.00
9th 0.63% £126.00
10th 0.41% £82.80
11th – 30th 0.10% £20.00
31st – 1000st N/A £5.00

The odds of a player winning at least £5 is 10:1.


Prophet League takes a small percentage from the prize pot of each league. The prize pot is determined as Total entry fees – Prophet League’s fee. For the National League, Prophet League’s percentage fee can vary based on the number of players entering the league. Typically, this ranges from 20-30% of the prize pot.

For Local Leagues, Prophet League has a fixed fee of 10% of the prize pot.

No fee is taken from the donations made. This money is sent to the good cause either directly or via Just giving in full.

We hope you enjoy playing Prophet League and helping to raise funds for the many good causes being support by Prophet League.

Here are the rules for Prophet League Euros24 game. Please read these carefully before you commit to playing. Please also refer to our terms and conditions for further information.

How Profit League Euros works – The basics

Profit League Euros is a football predictions game dedicated to the UEFA European Championship 2024. Players predict the results of pre-selected football matches. There are two exclusive, separate games available to play; ‘The Group Stage’ and ‘The Knock Outs’. For each of these separate games, Players earn points based on the accuracy of their predictions. Points per fixture are awarded as follows:

Correct scoreline = 25 points
Correct result/winner selected = 10 points
Incorrect scoreline and incorrect result/winner selected = 0 points

For example; A player predicts a scoreline of England 1 – 0 Denamark. England win the game 1 -0. The player is awarded 25 points. If England won the game 2-0, the player is award 10 points. If the game is a draw or Denmark win the game, the player is awarded 0 points. The ‘result’ of each fixture is determined at the end of either normal playing time or after extra time should extra time be played. For example; If a fixture is tied at 2-2 after extra time, the fixture will be deemed a draw for points-scoring purpose. Penalty Shoot-outs will not be factored in

The points awarded for each of the fixtures are added together to create a players ‘Total Score’ after all 9 fixtures included in the game have been played. The top 10% of players with the highest total score after the final (9th) game of the round win a cash prize.

During the predictions process , players are given the chance to select their ‘Doublers’. The amount of ‘Doublers’ is determined by the number fixtures included in the game and all players within the game are given the same number of doublers to use. For the fixtures chosen by the player as a ‘Doubler’, any points scored on these games will be doubled…so choose wisely. A doubler can not be re-allocated to a different fixture after the initial predictions have been entered.

Point Scoring
The points earned in each of the two separate games are only applicable to that game and do not roll over. For Example; If a player has a score of 80 points after the final game of the ‘The Group Stage’ game, these points do not carry over into the ‘The Knock Outs’ game. Should the player choose to play ‘The Knock Outs’ game they will start that new game on 0 points, the same as all other players choosing to play ‘The Knock Out’ game.

Prophet league is a pool-based game. Therefore, the size of the prizes awarded to the top 10% of players is determine by how many players have entered the game. For the Prophet League Euros game there is a guaranteed minimum prize pot of £1000 for both ‘The Group Stage’ game and ‘The Knock Outs’ game respectively. The prize pot will grow beyond this subject to more players entering the game. See below for the prize pot distribution.

The Prediction Window
‘The Group Stage’ game prediction window opens at 10am on Friday 7th June and predictions must be confirmed and entry fees paid by 6pm on Friday 14th June, before the first fixture of the tournament kicks-off. Players are unable to enter the game after this time, however players that have entered prior to the 6pm deadline are able to edit their predictions up to 2 hours before any of the 9 games included in the game are dude to kick-off.

‘The Knock-Outs’ game prediction window opens at 10am on Thursday 27th June for the first set of Round of 16 fixtures. As the fixtures for the knock-out stages are not known until a few days before each stage of the knock-outs, players will be notified by email or app notification to advise them when they are able to predict the scorelines of the Quarter Final, Semi-final and final.

Please note: should a fixture be postponed after the predictions window has opened, the fixture will be null and void and no points will be allocated for that fixture. If the player has the postponed fixture as a ‘Doubler’ the doubler will be nulled also and cannot be allocate to another game.

A little more detail about playing the game

Prophet League should be fun and so it has been designed to keep players safe and prevent players from over-spending. That’s why the entry fix is fixed for all players and no additional ‘offers’ or ‘promotions’ are offered during the game to entice players to spend more. The entry fee for each game is clearly shown prior to entering the game. There is no obligation for a player to play both ‘The Group Stage’ and ‘The Knock-Outs’ game. The games have been designed to be standalone games . We believe that players should play because they like the game and want to be part of helping to fundraise. A player can enter the game only once we monitor for instances where a single person may created multiple Prophet League profiles. See our Terms and Conditions for more on this.

Prophet League Euros is soley raising money for Rainbows (Registered charity Number: 1014051). Prophet League have explicit, written permission from Rainbows to donate £1 of every fee to the charity which means just by playing, all players are helping to raise funds for this great cause. The £1 donation from every entry fee will be donated directly to Rainbows, in full and without fee, to Rainbows. The donation of all monies raised will be done in a single transaction on or before 15th July.

Paying the entry fee
Once a player has chosen to proceed and enter the game, they will be asked to confirm the entry fee that will be debited from their account. The entry fee is deducted from the players Prophet League wallet. If there are insufficient funds in the wallet the player will be asked to top up their wallet prior to their entry being confirmed. All deposits made into the Prophet League wallet are processed through a secure payments service. Players can only deposit funds into their Prophet League from a UK debit card. Once the players entry fee has been successfully deducted from their Prophet League wallet the player will see a confirmation message on screen indicating that they have entered the game.

In play
The game starts once the first fixture kicks-off. Players can see how their predictions compare with the actual score lines in real time, the points they are currently scoring for each fixture and their real-time projected winnings as at that moment. A player’s points and projected winnings will change in real-time as the score lines change. Players can also see a live leaderboard showing how they are performing against all other players in the league and their position. When the final whistle blows on the last fixture(s) of the game (the fixture(s) with the latest kick-off time), the player can see their final points tally and any cash prize that they have won. They can also see the final points and prizes for the other players in the League.

If a player has won a cash prize, the cash prize will be added to their Prophet League wallet by midnight on day of the final fixture in the game. A player can choose to withdraw either all or part of their Prophet League wallet balance at any time by visiting the Prophet League wallet screen. Funds will be deposited back into the players bank account within 24 hours of the player making the withdrawal request.

The prize pot is distributed as follows. The percentages shown are a percentage of the prize pot.

1st 20.00%
2nd 13.00%
3rd 8.45%
4th 5.49%
5th 3.57%
6th 2.32%
7th 1.50%
8th 0.98%
9th 0.63%
10th 0.41%
11th – 30th 0.1%
31st – top 10% £5
31st and onwards all win £5 until 10% of the players have been paid £5. The odds of a player winning at least £5 is 10:1.

Prophet League takes a small percentage from the prize pot of each league. The prize pot is determined as:

Total entry fees – the £1 donation to Rainbows – Prophet League’s fee.

For Prophet League Euros, Prophet League’s percentage fee will be 30% of the prize pot

We hope you enjoy playing Prophet League and helping to raise funds for the many good causes being support by Prophet League.